Category: Marijuana DUI

Can I get a DUI while driving high?

Many people ask, “can i get a DUI for driving high?”, and the answer is yes. Alcohol is not the only way to get a DUI. Today, marijuana is legal in California as far as recreational use. And police officers are very well trained to detect marijuana use. Cops are very well trained to detect the use of prescription medication and marijuana. If you’ve been arrested for a DUI, give me a call so we can examine the facts of your particular case, and figure out what’s the best way to defend your case. Continue reading “Can I get a DUI while driving high?”

Marijuana DUI in California

Recreational use of marijuana became legal under California law on January 1, 2018.  However driving “under the influence” of marijuana is still illegal (Vehicle Code 23152(f)).

With the passage of Assembly Bill 64 (Prop 64), adults in California can now buy marijuana legally for recreational purposes.  Law enforcement believes that “stoned driving” is going to become more of a problem on California roadways because of the legalization of recreational marijuana.  Accordingly, law enforcement is very likely to devote even more resources and energy to enforcing California’s marijuana DUI laws. Continue reading “Marijuana DUI in California”