Recognized Among Palm Springs – Palm Desert Best in DUI Defense.
Defending drivers accused of DUI throughout the Coachella Valley
If you have been arrested for DUI, your future could be at stake. The Law Offices of Manuel J. Barba can help you fight for your rights and defend against serious DUI charges. Attorney Manuel Barba is an experienced Palm Springs DUI attorney and practices DUI law exclusively throughout the Coachella Valley.
Attorney Barba’s uses his in-depth knowledge of all aspects of the law to craft strong defenses on behalf of his clients. This, coupled with his aggressive and innovative approach, makes Attorney Barba a valuable ally to those facing DUI charges in the Coachella Valley area.
At the Law Offices of Manuel J. Barba, we know DUI law. We have helped clients facing all types of DUI charges, including aggravated DUI, felony DUI, multiple DUI, boating DUI, and under-age-21 DUI. Attorney Barba has represented doctors, lawyers, police officers, fire fighters, nurses, teachers, as well as many drivers who live out of the state of California.
In addition to alcohol DUI, attorney Barba has represented drivers accused of marijuana DUI, prescription medication DUI, and other drug related DUI charges.
Attorney Manuel J. Barba has been awarded the prestigious ACS-CHAL Forensic Lawyer Scientist designation by the Chemistry and Law Division of the American Chemical Society. There are only six DUI lawyers in the State of California that have been awarded the ACS-CHAL Forensic Lawyer-Scientist designation, and Attorney Barba is the only DUI lawyer in the region to have this scientific designation.
Attorney Barba is a founding member of the DUI Defense Lawyers Association; he is a member of the Board of Directors for the California DUI Lawyers Association, and he is an active member of the National College for DUI Defense.
DUI defense attorney Manuel J. Barba is an expert in DUI Defense with an office in Cathedral City, California. He has helped thousands of clients resolve their DUI cases successfully, including having the charges DISMISSED, REDUCED, or found NOT GUILTY. To defend your case successfully, you need the specialized knowledge and expertise of DUI defense attorney Manuel J. Barba on your side.
DUI Defense is Not Created Equal
Remember, there is a difference between defending someone accused of DUI and ‘facilitating their DUI conviction’. It is easy to get an offer from the Judge or District Attorney, and then help the person accused of DUI to fill out plea documents and submit them to the court – that is not defending. To defend a DUI case, all of the evidence related to the arrest must be gathered, and then analyzed, so to determine the best defense for that particular case – this requires extensive knowledge of the law as well as the science relating to DUI. Attorney Manuel J. Barba has that extensive knowledge.
DUI Lawyers & DUI Defense Attorneys Who ONLY Defend DUI
There are many choices when it comes to choosing a DUI Lawyer/Attorney to defend you in court and at the DMV. Our expertise in DUI defense and our level of commitment is what makes us different from the rest. We have both the legal and scientific knowledge required to effectively defend your DUI case in Court and at the DMV. Attorney Manuel J. Barba has spent years developing his DUI defense expertise. He has developed many strategic and successful defenses. Although each case we handle is unique, clients can always count on:
Unlike most other attorneys, we only practice one thing – DUI Defense. Many attorneys that claim to defend DUI cases also practice other areas of the law. We ONLY defend DUI cases in the Courts and at the DMV. This is what we do, what we know, and more importantly this is the advantage we provide to our clients.
Peace of Mind
The mission of attorney Manuel J. Barba is to deliver peace of mind to each and every person that needs us. We’re committed to defending each client and making sure their rights are protected.
DUI Experience
Manuel J. Barba has been awarded the ACS-CHAL Forensic Lawyer-Scientist Designation. He is the ONLY DUI Defense attorney in Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, & Imperial County with this designation. This gives Barba the knowledge & expertise to defend against the prosecution’s chemical test results better than other DUI attorneys.
Aggressive Defense
Did you know there are many reasons breath and blood tests can be wrong? Attorney Manuel J. Barba examines all of the prosecution’s evidence against you, each leverage point is discovered, and every law enforcement action is questioned. No stone is left unturned in defending your case.
Local Attorney
Other attorneys claim to have offices and defend you all over California. The truth is you end up being represented by an “associated” lawyer, not the lawyer you thought you hired. We are located in the Riverside and San Bernardino County area, and we do not outsource our clients for a referral fee.
Exceptional Service
We don’t just promise excellent service, we deliver it. We have a case manager that monitors your case and is always available to answer your questions and keep you informed about progress.
Awards and Recognition for our DUI Defense
Our experienced DUI defense representation has earned us countless awards, but the best reward is the professional defense we provide to each and every client.

We Defend DUI in Riverside & San Bernardino County.
Contact Us Now For Professional DUI Defense From Experienced DUI Attorneys/Lawyers
Don’t hesitate to reach out!
Please contact us if you or someone you know recently got a DUI. DUI cases are EXTREMELY time sensitive. We’ll be happy to answer your questions at no cost or obligation. Our team typically contacts you back immediately when available, if not always the same day. For immediate assistance use our contact phone numbers below.
Our Riverside Office
Riverside , CA 92501
Our Cathedral City Office
Cathedral City, CA 92234